Thanksgiving in Northern California, November 1993

It's been too long since the trip for me to remember enough detail to give a day by day breakdown, so I'll just go through the pictures.

We took Wednesday off from work, and left *very* early in the morning. We arrived in Berkeley about lunch time, picked up Paul at the BART station, had lunch, and continued on to Eureka. There we stopped for dinner at the Samoa Cookhouse, a refurbished lumber camp cookhouse that serves family style meals. We then drove to Arcata, visited Katherine and Dave briefly, and then went to our motel.

The next morning we again went to Katherine and Dave's house:

...before driving over to have Thanksgiving dinner with her friends Phoebe (who the deuce may SHE be?) and Rocky, who live in a very nice house a few miles outside of Arcata. There were a few others in attendance, whose names and identities I don't remember.

We'll let the pictures tell the story for a while:

The view from Rocky and Phoebe's back door

Terry, Dave and Phoebe in the living room

The dinner table

Mom and Paul

Katherine in the kitchen.

The whole gang. That's Phoebe on the couch, and that's Rocky with his back to us.

Terry relaxing

Dave relaxing

We all enjoy dinner

Some (wooden) ducks enjoy a swim

The next day, Terry and I left Arcata and took a long, cross-country drive, by way of Weaverville, Red Bluff and Chico, to a trailer park outside of Marysville. These pictures were taken along the drive.

At the trailer park, we met our friends Mike and Laura who were spending the weekend there in their mobile home:

We stayed in a rental:

We were going to stay there for two nights, but Terry's tape player broke, leaving her with no way to keep up with her studying for a class she was taking at the time. So we decided to drive home on Saturday, instead.

On Saturday, we took a walk in the morning with Mike and Laura and their Newfoundland Retriever, Alexis:

We came upon an interesting river crossing. There are landings on either side of the river, with a raft that goes back and forth between them. There is also a cable strung across, about chest high. You get on the raft and use the cable to haul yourself across:

We then drove into Nevada City, a touristy sort of place, done up to be reminiscent of the Gold Rush era. There was some sort of arts festival going on that day, so parking was impossible. We parked in a municipal lot outside of town, and rode a free shuttle into town. We meandered, shopped, had dinner, and saw a large cannon:

After dinner, we said goodbye to Mike and Laura, and drove home.

See pictures from other trips